Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gosh, he went well with her drapes!

Nothing makes me smile faster than seeing work by a woman named Anne Taintor.
Her unique and funny artwork puts a spin on traditional values and domestic bliss. I'm not sure where she finds all of her pictures and prints, but she basically takes vintage 50's and 60's catalog photos and adds funny labels to them. For example:
She has turned this simple idea into a vast empire of greeting cards, books, notepads, purses, fridge magnets, aprons and other paraphernalia. You go girl! You can find a small collection of Anne Taintor work at the shop Just Us Girls in Gardner Village, or online at "She was one frozen entree away from a nervous breakdown." Happy viewing!


Englishfam said...

I am laughing right now just reading this post! There is no faster way to get you laughing than to show you a book full of these. I love it.

Ann Marie said...

YAY!! A new post!

I LOVE these! I had never heard of her.. I have seen some of these, but didn't realize that it was one woman doing the sayings..

I'm going to have to find one that I really adore and buy it!!
You know my ♥ for vintage!!

Suzanne said...

Holy Canoly!! That is freakin hilarious!! Annie has a sick sense of humor like me!! Hilarious! I will have to go check her out on her website! Thanks for sharing! -Suzanne

Marie said...

I love her stuff too, although I didn't know who was doing them. They always make me laugh . . . and so many of them are soooo true!

Adele said...

Someone gave me and Lois a calendar of them a number of years ago. LOVED it :)