Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fin de Souper

This lovely piece of French artwork hangs prominently in my dining room, and has evoked many a dinnertime conversation.
Fin de Souper by Jules-Alexandre Grun (or After Dinner), shows a group of Victorian friends chatting around a table. I love the soft yellow lamps, and the beautiful women's clothes. Something about this print just makes me incredible happy and...satisfied.

Grun, who was best known for his French catalog and poster work, certainly created his masterpiece with Fin de Souper. In this print, Grun pays homage to his mentor and teacher, Antoine Guillemet (the famous landscape artist), who can be seen chatting with Grun's wife, Juliette Toutain-Grun (off to the far right). Juliette also happens to be my favorite person in the scene, as she is the only woman not in Victorian white, but a deep scarlet red.

I hope that you like
Fin de Souper as much as I do. Happy viewing!


Ann Marie said...

Finally! You posted this!
I adore this so much..
It's my FAVORITE thing in your house, and I covet it.
I know that thou shalt not covet.. But look at it?? BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Never EVER allow me in your home! I do not want to temp myself by putting something on my record such as, Oh, maybe theft! Lovely picture and such a great conversation piece! I adore it! I love it! I could make out with it! Ha ha! -Suzanne

NutMeg said...

My only question is, why wasn't I invited to this dinner party?!

I'm glad you both enjoyed it.

TLC said...

LOVE! ENVY! LOVE! I agree totally with comment #2! Theft would be a BIG temptation if I ever came to your house! LOL Holy Flip I gotta shout it again LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Unknown said...

I love it. Where can I get a print?

Marie said...

Thanks so much for posting this. I had never thought to ask about it (mostly because I'm always chasing down kids running through the house with food or crying to get more). We should totally have a dinner like this one. :D

NutMeg said...


I found mine at a consignment store, but I've seen it online at www.art.com. Hope that helps!