Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Favorite things: Peppercorn

It just isn't fall until I've gotten out my delicious Peppercorn potpourri! It's made by a company called Aromatique, which features many different home fragrances and scents. My mom has used it for years, and just the smell when I lift the lid on my box of autumn decorations, brings back a flood of happy memories. I purchase Peppercorn candles, oils, sprays, and other products at Evans Gatehouse in Orem, but you can also shop their online website: www.aromatique.com. (Compare Aromatique Peppercorn to Yankee Candle's Harvest scent). Happy Halloween!


Suzanne said...

Curious to see what it smells like. I have never heard of a smell called peppercorn. Interesting! -Suzanne

Ann Marie said...

Amen to what Suzanne said. I pretty much love all that you have and trust your taste..:)

Me said...

Peppercorn-never heard of it. I bet my husband would love it though. I'm sure I would too-you have impeccable taste.

{Mo} said...

Hummmm, not sure? Peppercorn? Sounds curiously intriguing, I may just have to try it! Monica