Friday, October 17, 2008

EW: Photo Issue - Twilight Outtakes

Leave it to Entertainment Weekly, to once again supply me with a great photo of Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart to post on my blog. This is an outtake of the June 6th photo shoot in Canyon Country, California where the actors got nice and wet channeling some serious Edward and Bella chemistry. 5 more weeks ladies!


Ann Marie said...

5 more weeks seems like forever!
Love the photo.. Love the photo!

Suzanne said...

Can't you just feel the chemistry between the two of them!! AMAZING!! Wait, I am going to watch the trailer again. Be right back...................

Ok, got my daily fix! What! I don't have a problem, I can stop if I want to. Just leave me alone! j/k

Man, I cannot wait for this one!! 34 days seems forever away! Until then..........EDWARD!!


Aim said...

I am still yet to read these books! Everyone tells me they are great but they are always checked out at the library. I promised myself I would not see the movie until I read the books tho! Course I always find that I'm disappointed at the movie when i've read the book first. books just seem to give you more....or maybe my imagination does ;)

btw, good call on that beautiful spiral staircase!! Gorgeous! It's amazing she was able to stay on it tho. i'm sure that train weighs a TON!

Cristy said...

Gorgeous picture! I can't wait!