Monday, July 27, 2009

sweet corn tomalito

I first tried tomalito at Chevy's Fresh Mex restaurant. It's a sweet and delicious corn mash, generally served as a side dish. So when I made turkey tacos the other night, I decided to add tomalito to the menu (to the delight of everyone). You may need to pick up a few extra ingredients at the store to make this dish, but it's actually quite easy to cook.

You will need:

5 tablespoons soft butter
1/4 cup masa harina
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
2 cups frozen or fresh corn
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons milk

Tie on your apron. In a medium bowl mix butter, masa harina, and sugar until light and fluffy. In a food processor or blender combine 1 cup of corn, water and cornmeal until smooth. Stir into the masa harina mixture. Add 1 cup of corn, baking powder, salt and milk and mix together. In a flat, microwave safe dish, spread tomalito mixture and cook at 30% power for approximately 7 minutes. Cook in microwave on high for 4 more minutes. Let tomalito stand for a few minutes before eating. Serves 4-6. Happy eating!

*Masa harina is a Mexican flour generally used for making tortillas. You can find it in the baking section of any grocery store.


Marie said...

That was definitely awesome!! Thanks for tonight. It was much needed respite before the week ahead.

Ann Marie said...

OOh.. It sounds delish. I feel hungry after reading it!

I love that you always say: " Tie on your apron.." LOVE IT!

Missed you the other night! XO

Lindsay Duerden said...

I'm so glad that you posted this on here! Yours is so great! I'm so excited to try to make it for myself and hope it tastes as good as yours!

Adele said...

Mmmm... sounds fabulous!

Suzanne said...

You lost me after tie the apron on. Maybe you can make it and I can come over and try it! Yes? Ok, see you in a few! -Suzanne