Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Attention Jane Austen fans!

OK ladies, it's time to set your DVR's for Sunday, January 13th. PBS is kicking off their 4-month-long Jane Austen special, and trust me, you don't want to miss this! Masterpiece Theater will be presenting all of Jane Austen's novels in mini-series format, every Sunday night, right in the comfort and privacy of your living room. Along with 1995's Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle), as well as 1996's Emma (Kate Beckinsale), there will be four new versions of Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility and Persuasion. Eeek! It's enough to make any girl with a smidge of romantic inclinations burst her bodice! Consider yourselves officially warned. The series kicks off with Persuasion, starring the handsome Rupert Penry-Jones as Captain Wentworth (from BBC's MI-5 and pictured above). Time to bust out your smelling salts, handkerchiefs and petit fours; 2008 is shaping up to be a great year for dramatic television!


Elder Richey said...

I KNOW!!! Can you say excited?!! I actually saw these on Youtube this past summer, but it'll be so much better to watch them on a bigger screen from the comfort of my couch. Oh, to have DVR or TIVO right now. Maybe those are the same things, we're obviously way behind. Whatever. I am excited!!

Foxyboxy said...

If a life were to be saved by being enlightened of Jane Austen information, you have just saved mine! This is grand news, indeed!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so there! Thank you for the heads up- I would have missed it otherwise!

Natalie Harris said...

You deserve an AWARD For letting us know...I will now alert all in MY world...I love ya!

Marie said...

I'm being punished for not having read your blog in a while!! I love Persuasion. I do believe it might be my favorite Jane Austen novel. . . I know, I'm weird. How was it?